Population trends and current status of the endangered Pyrenean sculpin
The status of Pyrenean sculpin Cottus hispaniolensis was assessed in the Spanish part of the Garonne drainage on the basis of its distribution and abundance from 2001 to 2016. Population trends showed a progressive reduction in range extension and density, exacerbated by a severe spate occurred in 2013. However, C. hispaniolensis was resilient to this natural disturbance by compensating for mortality with increasing recruitment. Both occurrence and density of Pyrenean sculpin showed a positive correlation with coarse substrates. Riverine habitat deterioration, mainly channelization, presence of dams and flow regulation are the main factors threatening sculpin populations. Several management measures are proposed.
Auteurs du document :
Rafel Rocaspana, Enric Aparicio
Obtenir le document :
EDP Sciences
Mots clés :
abundance, catastrophic spate, conservation measures, Garonne, abondance, crue catastrophique, Mesures de conservation, Distribution
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