Squalius lucumonis (Bianco, 1983) is an endemic species restricted to three river basins in central Italy and listed as endangered according to IUCN Red List. The aim of this research was to increase the information on ecological preferences of this species and to focus on its differences with S. squalus (Bonaparte, 1837). Data collected in 86 different watercourses throughout Tiber River basin were analysed in the research. For each of the 368 river sectors examined, the main environmental parameters and the fish community were considered. The information were analysed by means of the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) while the differences in ecological traits between S. lucumonis and S. squalus were compared by ANOVA. The results of the study showed significant differences in the ecological preferences of the two species: the S. lucumonis showed predilection for smaller watercourses characterised by a lower number of species and a higher degree of integrity of fish community than S. squalus This information allowed to increase the basic knowledge on population biology and ecology of S. lucumonis that could be very useful for the management and conservation of this Italian endemic species.
Auteurs du document :
D. Giannetto, A. Carosi, L. Ghetti, G. Pedicillo, L. Pompei, M. Lorenzoni
Obtenir le document :
EDP Sciences
Mots clés :
endemic species, longitudinal gradient, fish assemblage, espèces endémiques, gradien longitudinal, communauté de poissons
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